Welcome back to my mini series on Baby Led Weaning. Today I’m sharing with you our FIRST week of foods that we introduced to Grayson! This was a super exciting week for us because Grayson has been showing a ton of interest in food but we were waiting until he could properly sit up on his own before we started. Well we finally reached that milestone, he was 5 months and 3 weeks old, and let me tell you he was VERY excited. I thought sharing the verdict on each food would be helpful, but so far Grayson has loved everything so there isn’t much to say about his preferences yet other than he really enjoys solid foods.
We decided to introduce a new food every two days, so we are doing one food for two days straight (giving him a chance to try it twice in a row). We are going to do this for the first month (or so I expect) and then we will start giving him more than one food at a time (more like a meal). That is the plan for now although it may change.
Well, lets get started! Here is a round up of our first week of foods:
Day 1 & 2 – banana
preparation: very ripe, cut in half, remove only part of the peel so the rest can be used as a handle (easier for baby to hold).
verdict: loved it

Day 3 & 4 – avocado
preparation: very ripe, cut in half, pit removed, cut into “finger” slices, remove only part of the peel so the rest can be used as a handle (easier for baby to hold).
verdict: loved it

Day 5 & 6 – broccoli
preparation: fresh, cut into medium florets, steamed for 8 minutes (you want to make sure it’s soft but not overly mushy, it shouldn’t fall apart the second your baby touches it), cooled.
verdict: loved it

Day 7 & 8 – cucumber
preparation: raw with skin on, cut into “finger” slices with crinkle cutter (easier for baby to hold).
verdict: loved it

You can also follow along at my instagram page where I share videos on preparation and Grayson enjoying his BLW! Find me @modernmunch on instagram. See you next week!