Perfect for Baby Led Weaning, these pancakes can be enjoyed with teeth or no teeth! They’re super soft, sugar free, tasty, and very simple to make. We tried them this week with our babe who just turned 7 months (and still has zero teeth), he devoured the entire batch and was begging for more. I made 3 medium sized pancakes with this recipe, and then cut them into strips with our crinkle cutter. I don’t think thats totally necessary, baby could probably just go to town on the pancake without being cut, although our little guy is very aggressive when it comes to food so I just cut them to make myself feel more comfortable.
1/2 ripe banana
1 egg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1-2 tbsp multigrain baby cereal
1. Mash banana
2. Add egg and cinnamon
3. Whisk together until combined
4. Add in 1-2 tbsp multigrain baby cereal until batter has thickened a bit (this usually depends on how ripe your banana is)
5. Lightly grease a fry pan, make medium sized pancakes, cook until top is bubbling & flip
6. Let cool before serving