Eat Early, Eat Often
Allergies…scary, right? Just another worry to add on top of the already worried mama. Here is some good news, recent research has shown that the early introduction of the top food allergens can reduce the possibility of a life long food allergy. New recommendations are to start introducing these allergens at around 6 months of age when your baby starts solids, and continue to feed them often.
How and What to Introduce
Here is a list of the top 8 food allergens for infants:
1. Milk
2. Eggs
3. Soy
4. Wheat
5. Fish
6. Shellfish
7. Peanuts
8. Treenuts
Once your baby is developmentally ready and has started solids (at around 6 months of age), try introducing these foods as early as possible. When introducing an allergen, only introduce a new food every 2-3 days which allows you to monitor for reaction. Symptoms can occur within minutes but also up to 2 hours later, so try and also make sure that you have at least a 2 hour window before bedtime. Symptoms can be mild or severe, I will link resources at the bottom for things to watch out for.
Some ideas of how to serve the top allergens to your baby:

If you see no reaction in your baby, continue to offer these foods often to help reduce the risk of an allergy developing. Remember these are just general guidelines and to always consult your paediatrician or dietician if your baby is at high risk of developing an allergy or has shown signs of reaction.
For more information you can visit: