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Welcome to my new series (well, kinda new)… “What My Toddlers Ate This Week” is a series from my instagram that my community is very familiar with, but it is new to the blog, so welcome if you’re new here! I’ve been photographing and sharing the boys meals for over 4 years now on Instagram, and my “what my toddlers ate” weekly updates are always my top views, so I figured why not start sharing it here for you. I know figuring out what to feed your toddlers EVERY DAY can be mentally exhausting, so I am sharing with you some simple, easy to put together meals that are both nutritious and delicious.

Let’s get eating, here are some of the meals my toddlers loved this week!

An easy breakfast my toddlers will never say no to is my homemade healthy banana bread which has 75% less added sugar than store bought (recipe in my Toddler Feeding Guide) that I batch make and also keep in the freezer to make mornings a breeze.
Served with: plain Greek yogurt and fruit (Kai wanted banana and Gray wanted mango).

This can also be an easy dinner, but chicken fried rice is a go to for us on busy weeks. All you need is leftover rice and chicken from the fridge and some frozen veggies. Toss in an egg and your favourite sauce (we like tamari or Bachans Japanese sauce).

A great morning or bedtime snack option, we use our Toddler Natural Goat Milk (boosted with 16 essential nutrients) as a nutrient dense drink for the boys. (Code to save: MODERNMUNCH15OFF)
Served with: apples and nut butter.

Beef and broccoli – I love that this meal is so simple and comes together in 15 minutes, my toddlers devour it and so does my husband. All you need to do is cook your ground beef, add in broccoli once it’s done and steam for a few minutes, then throw your favourite sauce on (we usually use tamari or Bachans Japenese sauce). (Also, make extra and use for lunch leftovers)
Served with: brown rice ramen, but rice works great too!

Your weekly lunchbox inspiration, the boys go to my mother in laws every Thursday for a few hours while my husband and I are at work, and I always send a lunchbox that they can snack on. This week was pb and jam sandwich on sprouted bread, apples/oranges, homemade fruit snacks (recipe here), and a granola bar.
Served with: toddler milk (link here) code to save: MODERNMUNCH150FF

Thank you for joining this week, let me know in the comment section what your toddlers had this week or what they would love to try from this list! See you next week.

Don’t forget, if you’re struggling with feeding your toddler, my Toddler Feeding Guide offers tips and solutions to all the most common feeding battles AND a recipe library full of tried and true healthy low sugar toddler recipes that hundreds of my clients toddlers love! PURCHASE YOURS TODAY and enjoy feeding again!


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